Female Football
Start your football journey with a club that is focussed on female football. Join Hibiscus Coast AFC today!
As part of our Club's Strategic Plan, Hibiscus Coast AFC has put great focus on female football, developing players and providing additional support and resources to the Coaches and Managers across all teams.
Our space is growing exponentially and is an exciting space for our club to continue to grow.
Hibiscus Coast AFC enters girls teams in all leagues from 9th grade upwards. Girls can also play in mixed teams up to the age of 14, and above that with special dispensation from the club and the Federation.
From age 15, talented players begin their transition to senior football where we have a well-established senior women's Premier Squad which you can read more about here.
For more information regarding girls football email female@hbcafc.org.nz
And ensure you are following us on facebook to keep up to date with events

Calling all girls and women who play football or want to it a go—this is your chance to join the fun for free!
Saturday, 15th February 2025 Hibiscus Coast Football Club, Brightside Road, Stanmore Bay
Session Times:
JUNIORS (Born 2013-2019): 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM
Register Here https://events.humanitix.com/welcome-to-girls-football...
YOUTH (Born 2008-2012): 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Register Here https://events.humanitix.com/welcome-to-girls-football...
WOMEN (Age 16+): 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Register Here https://events.humanitix.com/welcome-to-women-s-community...
What’s in store? Fun football activities with awesome coaches. Lolly scramble for the kids
WIN a $50 MECCA Voucher!
Register early and share this post for a chance to win.
How to enter:
1. Share this post with your friends via social media
2. Get them to register their child for the event (and turn up!) and mention your name when the book.
3. Cross your fingers you win!
Girls Night Under Lights
Calling all girls age 4 - 9 years old who want to come and try football out and have some fun!
Date: To be arranged
Registration: 5pm-5.30pm
Event starts: 5.30pm
Event finish: 6.30pm
Venue: Metro Park, 228 Millwater Parkway, Silverdale 0992
If you’ve thought about getting your child involved in football / soccer before now - this is a chance to see what all the fun's about - you, your child and your family are welcome here
This event is for girls age 4 - 9 years old where they will be able to take part in fun football-based activities with great coaches, all free of charge!
For the 1.5 hour session, kids will be split into age groups and there will be a sausage sizzle, snacks and drinks available to keep the energy high – it’s sure to be a great evening.
What your child will need:
Shoes (doesn't have to be football boots if they don't have any!)
Shinpads (only if you have them)
Drink bottle
We can’t wait to welcome you at Metro Park for lots of fun!