First Kicks / Fun Football (4-8 years)

Winter season 2025

Registrations open  3rd January 2025

Registrations close (for team entry) 7th March 2025

Enquiries: please email

Go to Winter Registrations and Fees for more info about fees, payment options and playing gear. 

During these changeable times please follow us on FB to ensure you are kept up to date with any other changes that may need to be implemented.

5th to 8th Grade 

For keen footballers who turn 5 to 8 years old during the calendar year, ie. those already turned or are turning 5 this year will be in 5th Grade.

You can pick one from two options:

  • Saturdays 8.30 - 9.30am at the clubrooms at Stanmore Bay Park 

  • Fridays nights 5-6pm (under the lights) at Metro Park, Millwater

Season Starts: 

Friday -2nd May 2025

Saturday -3rd May 2025


FIRST KICKERS are our 5th & 6th Graders - $110 for the season (including a free ball)

FUN FOOTBALLERS are our 7th & 8th Graders - $150 for the season (including a free ball)

Your child will be provided with a team shirt at their first game that gets returned to the club at the end of the season.You will need to purchase white shorts, white club socks, shinpads, and soccer boots. These can be purchased from our Club Shop

Grade Coordinators will be present to annouce teams and parent coaches will be called for if teams do not yet have coaches. HBCAFC relies on volunteers so please put your hand up if you can help! Coaches will be given a demonstration by our Technical Director of Football on Muster Day and again inrd May (at each respective location). Weekly activities and resources are also provided.

First Kicks and FunFootball at Metro Park - Season ends September

First Kicks and FunFootball at Stanmore Bay Park - Season ends September

The season ends with an annual SUPER HERO FESTIVAL for each location (usual times)

Click here to register - select Junior Membership 

Read our Club handbook here

Register now to play football!