17 Feb

Level 2 -COVID Football Summary

At Alert Level 2, COVID-19 is contained in New Zealand but there is still risk of community transmission. This is a continually evolving situation for which there exists no blueprint. With that in mind, new guidelines will be released from the appropriate authorities in due time.

These protocols are to ensure our members can return to football at the earliest possible time whilst being as a safe as possible. At a high level this is what MoE, NZ Sport, NZ Football and the Federations have communicated.

  • Contact Tracing – For football or group activity to return in any capacity, being able to trace all contact is our highest priority. This information needs to be recorded and stored digitally so the Ministry of Health and other authorities can access this data for up to 4 weeks from the time of the activity.
  • Gathering Size – Whether outdoor or indoor, group sizes for Club Programmes are to be no larger than 100 people. For School Programmes this is a maximum of 100 in any one location.
  • Cleaning & Hygiene – All participants in group activity must wash and dry their hands before and after any involvement. All equipment should be cleaned and disinfected before and after use. Sharing of equipment should be limited where possible. All participants should avoid touching their face and cough/sneeze into their elbows. Gates, doors, and objects which could be touched by multiple people should be adjusted to ensure the people are not required to touch them during activity. Water bottles should not be shared under any circumstance.
  • Physical Distancing – It is understood that physical distancing during team sports and group activity is not possible. However physical distancing for spectators should be adhered to wherever possible.
  • Illness – If any player, spectator, coach, referee, or participant of any kind is at all unwell or displaying symptoms of COVID-19, they are required to stay home and self-isolate, get tested, and not return to activity until the test confirms they are no longer at risk or carrying the virus.

Training Protocols

 In order to return to football in any capacity as a group, all players, coaches, and participants of training must adhere to these protocols.


  • Stay home if you are sick or feeling unwell.
  • Before any training session commences, all in attendance must be signed in via the Club tracing app (scan QR code or go to or the manual register with the coach / team manager if the app is not working. If manually taken the Coach/Manager needs to take a photo of the register and email to
  • Where the participants are school based the school will have their own tracing system however, we are still to follow protocol and take our roll call. This is to be scanned and sent to the same day.
  • Wearing of a face covering when in public is recommended where possible. Face masks on public transport is mandatory.
  • When participants arrive to the training venue, person-to-person physical touch must be avoided. This means no hugging, shaking hands, high-5’s, fist pumps, or person-to-person contact especially when greeting or saying goodbye.
  • All participants to wash and dry their hands before and after every session.
  • Hand sanitizer to be supplied and available to all participants at Club Based Programmes (excludes schools).
  • When participants arrive, ensure they are not placing their personal belongings in a way that would mean they or their belongings come into contact with any other person or their belongings.
  • Absolutely no sharing of drink bottles or personal items.


  • Compulsory at Level 2: Participants to keep all belongings in their own bag at all times. No loose belongings on the ground.
  • Each participant to bring their own towel which should be kept inside their bag when not being used. Participants should use their towels to wipe their sweat, to prevent the need to wipe one’s face with their hands.
  • Participants are not to handle any cones or training equipment other than balls at any time, only coaches. Coaches will ensure they are following safe handling practices when setting up and managing on-pitch equipment.
  • Compulsory at Level 2: Between drills, players should maintain at least 2m physical distancing and avoid any physical contact. At schools this can be reduced to 1m physical distancing. 


  • Training plans should be designed to try and limit physical contact beyond what is necessary, i.e. warm-ups should be designed to prevent close-quarters and any contact. The only scenarios where participants might engage in any physical contact should be the inadvertent contact through a game-training (game-related scenario which involves tackling).
  • Coaches should take care when handling training equipment. Coaches should be the only persons who handle cones, balls, and other training equipment.
  • Bibs should be washed in soapy, hot water between every session. When a bib is used by any one player, that bib must not be re-used by another participant at any time during the same session.
  • Compulsory at Level 2: White boards, magnets and extracurricular training equipment should be handled by one coach only.
  • Any non-football related training sessions should maintain physical distancing of at least 2m wherever possible. (1m in school environment).  


  • If parents are remaining at the venue they are to stay inside their vehicle at all times, otherwise drop-off and pick-up only.
  • Physical contact with any players or objects pertaining to the Programme session is strictly prohibited.


Match Protocols

 This is to be advised by the Club / Federations / NZF / NZS at such a time where matches are deemed playable. The below is simply a draft suggestion based on the above and is apply to training matches where possible.

 All of the above Training Protocols apply, plus:

  • Stay home if you are sick or feeling unwell.
  • Matches can occur providing the total number of players, coaches, support staff, officials and spectators do not exceed 100 people and public health measures, physical distancing restrictions, contact tracing and good hygiene measures are in place.
  • Changing room availability is subject to each Club situation subject to health and hygiene protocols and owner/council permission.
  • Physical contact between participants outside of the actual game is to be avoided wherever possible.
  • Spitting or similar action is prohibited including on goalkeeper gloves.
  • Bench / substitutes to be setup in such a way that enforces physical distancing of at least 1m between people.
  • All team cards to be completed and recorded in addition to the attendance register – these should be strictly digital to ensure no physical contact or material transfer between officials.
  • No hand-shaking nor physical greetings of any kind between teams.
  • Half-time snacks (lollies/oranges/other food) are not to be shared.
  • No after match functions or teams congregating/mixing after the match.
  • Spectators are to be limited and must follow the protocols including contact tracing and social distancing.
  • Preference is for spectators to remain in their vehicles.
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